As shown on our home page, wildfire danger in Bountiful’s foothills and mountains is EXTREME. The threat may be the most severe in history. Even though wildfire may start in the hills and canyons, it can significantly impact our entire community. Accordingly, we encourage all residents to Prepare, Prevent, and Be Alert, as outlined in the following resources:
Also, clicking the following button gives access to an informative document, “Wildland Fire Action Guide,” prepared by the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC):
- For updates and instructions, monitor BNEPC’s FaceBook (Bountiful Prep) and Twitter feed (@BountifulPrep), along with KSL-TV or Radio (these are authorized media sources).
- Alternatively, if you have relatives, friends, or others who can safely accommodate you, please feel free to do so, but also let someone you trust know where you are.
- If you have questions, concerns, or requests, please contact BNEPC via email at
Make Your Household Emergency Plan
Whether you’re one person or a dozen, every house, apartment, and living situation needs an emergency plan. They can be used in personal or community crises. The BNEPC has done the research for you and collected resources and templates you can use to make your own household emergency plan. Get started by clicking here (emergency plan templates coming soon)!

Every house in Bountiful is assigned to a block of about 5-10 houses and is led by a block captain. Learn more about how Bountiful neighborhoods are organized for emergencies by clicking here.

There is always more to learn or refresh in your mind about emergency readiness! Come attend a free seminar and improve your preparedness knowledge and skills! Click here to learn more about upcoming community events.
In emergencies and disasters, usual methods of communication are often inaccessible or unusable. Learn how to become an amateur radio operator and keep communication strong in disasters by clicking here.
If you have other questions about preparedness or want to help the BNEPC, please contact us!