Our Bountiful Neighborhood Emergency Preparedness Committee is led by the BNEPC (Council), consisting of over a dozen volunteers who have years of experience in various emergency response areas. The Council works under the direction of Bountiful City Emergency Management (City leaders and department heads).
Each emergency response district in Bountiful is assigned a member of the Council as a liaison.

See below for biographical profiles of some of our Council members.

Gary Johnson
Communications Member and Amateur Radio Operator
Gary serves as a member of the BNEPC communications team and assembles, programs, and tests the Council’s radios. He assists with community events and radio trainings.
In a disaster, Gary would serve as an amateur radio operator coordinating with Bountiful emergency dispatch, which is in the same building as the Emergency Operations Center for the BNEPC.
Gary has been teaching new HAMs in the Bountiful area for 10 years. He is currently serving as Treasurer for the DCARC and has been doing so since 2006. Among the public services that DCARC provides to the community is Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES) ARES provides support to the community in the event of a disaster or other emergency situation. Gary is the Assistant Emergency Coordinator and second level of call-out for support behind the Sheriff’s office for the city of Bountiful.

Mike Williams
Liaison: Bountiful North Canyon District
Operations, Technology & Systems Specialist
Mike provides technical and systems support to the Council and assists with meetings and emergency preparedness education and training. He also helps train CERT instructors and basic classes. In a disaster, Mike would serve as a member of the Emergency Operation Center Command Staff.
Mike and his wife, Joyce, are happy empty nesters with 7 children and 23 grandchildren. He enjoys cycling, writing, and spending time with his family. His career was in telecommunications, including 5 years in the military and 33 years with a leading high-speed internet provider. He and his wife have lived internationally for 10 years in Europe and Russia, as well as in Georgia, Arizona, and Colorado within the USA. Their roots are in Utah, where they raised most of their children.

Steve Billingsley
Liaison: Bountiful Central District
Council Member and Amateur Radio Specialist
Steve has been part of CERT since 2009. Worked as a ward E Prep coordinator for 10 years. Involved with many storms and disasters since 2010 in Bountiful. I have been a licensed amateur radio operator since 2015 and have served as a communicator on many events like LOTOJA, Salt Flat 100, Handcart Days Parade, Day of Service.
Steve is an active outdoorsman with 25 years of experience in guiding youth and adults in the outdoors. Hobbies include hiking, and water sports. He is a Level II Alpine ski instructor and is Wilderness First Aid trained.

Samantha Scrowther
Liaison: Bountiful South District
Social Media lead in the Media & Training group
Samantha serves as Council lead for social media operations and works alongside others on the Emergency Operations Center Command Staff.
Samantha moved to the United States in 2003 and previously lived in England and Germany.
She currently holds a leadership position in Operations for a financial institution and is married with two children. Samantha enjoys cooking, hiking, playing games, and supporting animal rescues, and is active in networks that support minority groups.

Emajane Freckleton
Liaison: Bountiful East District
Operations Member and CERT Instructor
Emajane serves as one of the CERT class instructors and a member of the Council.
In a disaster, Emajane would serve as a member of the Emergency Operation Center Command Staff.
Emajane is married with four boys, all married to beautiful girls, with 12 grandchildren. She is employed with the Davis School District as a Citizenship Assistant for Mueller Park Junior High. She enjoys anything to do with her wonderful family and traveling. Her faith means the world to her, and in her spare moment loves crafts and reading a good book.

Emily Van Orman
Liaison: Stone Creek District
Operations Member and CERT Coordinator
Emily serves as a CERT instructor and coordinator and is passionate about helping people get excited about emergency preparedness.
In a disaster Emily would serve as a member of the Emergency Operation Center Command Staff.
Emily’s favorite job is being a wife and the mom of three amazing kids. She also has a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing from BYU and a Master’s Degree in Public Health from the University of Utah. After a 20 year career as a cardiac nurse and case manager, Emily changed career paths in order to be more available for her family and currently works with her brother in their family’s accounting practice. In her free time, Emily enjoys traveling, hiking, skiing, cooking, home improvement projects, and good books.

We want to be of service to you and love to receive feedback. For any questions, concerns, or comments about this website or about emergency preparedness in Bountiful, follow this link for our contact information! Please send us an email!